- Name of Department – Horticulture
- Objective of Department-
- To Provide Technical guidance about Production technology of different horticultural crops i.e. Fruits, Vegetables , Flowers , ornaments, aromatic plants, spices, plantation crops etc.
- To Conduct Demonstration of post harvest management and value addition of fruits and vegetables
- To conduct Demonstration of Nursery management of horticultural crops & new propagation techniques (i.e. budding , grafting,layering etc )
- Promotion of Value addition technologies for self-employment.
- Quality control of value added products.
- Courses Offered as per Fifth Deans Committee-
Sr. No. | Sem. | Course No. | Course Title | Credits |
1. | I | HORT 111 | Fundamental of Horticulture | 2(1+1) |
2. | II | FRST 121 | Introduction to forestry | 2(1+1) |
3. | III | HORT 232 | Production technology of vegetable and spices | 2(1+1) |
4. | IV | HORT 243 | Production technology of fruits and plantation crops | 2(1+1) |
5. | V | HORT 354 | Production technology of Ornamental crops,MAP and Landscaping | 2(1+1) |
6. | VI | HORT 366 HORT 367 | Post harvest management and value addition of fruits and vegetables | 2(1+1) |
7. | VII | RAWE & AIA | Rural agriculture work experience and Agro Industrial attachment | 10(0+10) |
8. | VIII | SRP EL HORT 4011 SRP EL HORT 4014 | Nursery management of Horticultural crops Post harvest management and value addition of Horticultural crops | 10(0+10) 10(0+10) |